Get all the extras

Upgrade to a premium Crypto-Exclusive Memebership

Get all the extras with Premium Crypto Exclusive membership

There"s a new account option for those who like to have all the Perks: Premium Crypto Exclusive membership. As a Crypto-Exclusive member, you can continue to enjoy a number of deposit and withdrawal method options*. At the same time, this free upgrade scores greater rewards and bonuses at the Cafe.

* Players may deposit/withdrawal using Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, vouchers and player transfers. Players who have selected mBTC as their preferred currency are not eligible for the Crypto Exclusive Program.

What are the Crypto Exclusive account advantages?

For going Crypto Exclusive, you"ll get a package of premium benefits not available to classic account members. Benefits include extra Perk Points and more!

Premium Crypto-Exclusive Account Benefits

* Requires a minimum deposit of $30.

Why are we offering Crypto Exclusive membership?

Simply put, Crypto remains the most reliable deposit method for online gaming. Locking in means that you"ll be exclusively using our most reliable deposit and withdrawal option, while enjoying a familiar play experience in USD.

Not familiar with Crypto?

We"re here to help with that as well. Visit our help page for more information on Crypto, including how to get started.

Already exclusively depositing with Crypto?

No problem! Upgrade your account by signing up below.